Every phone call is a local call, an intralata call, or a long-distance call. These three classifications are determined by geographic boundaries. Figure 6.1 shows the two LATAs in Washington state. A call from Yakima to Seattle crosses LATA boundaries and is therefore a long-distance call. A call from Yakima to Spokane is within the LATA and is therefore an intralata call. A call made within Yakima is a local call.
Local calling boundaries are set by the local carrier; LATA boundaries were established at the time of divestiture. To know the exact boundaries of your local calling area, consult the map in the front of your local phone book. Most consumers do not pay for their local calls—they have flat-rate local service. They pay for the line, but the local calls are free.
Businesses either have flat-rate, measured-rate, or message-rate service. Customers with measured-rate service pay for their local calls according to the minutes of use. Message-rate customers pay for local calls according to the number of messages (calls). Table below shows a cost comparison of these three types of service. With all three classes of local service, no one pays for incoming local calls.

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